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Operate Breathing Apparatus, Toowoomba Queensland


Operate Breathing Apparatus

Method of Delivery:
Face to Face 

The following unit will be included in your certificate:
MSMWHS216 - Operate Breathing Apparatus

This course has been designed for individuals who work alone or as part of a team as an operator required to wear breathing apparatus in their work role.  This might be because they are working in a confined space, with hazardous gases/vapours, or in an oxygen deficient atmosphere.


It covers the skills and knowledge required to conduct pre-donning checks and tests on breathing apparatus, operate and maintain breathing apparatus and equipment in an irrespirable atmosphere, and conclude operations as defined by the Australian Standard AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment.

Concluding operations will include correctly closing down, removing and cleaning the breathing apparatus and reporting faults and/or damage to breathing apparatus.

Training and Assessment delivered on behalf of Allens Training PTY LTD RTO 90909

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